Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tower of London

At the very center of the City of London, England, we find the Tower of London--or, as it is officially named, Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress.  

The tower was built in the early 1100s. It has had very many uses throughout the years. It has served as the dwelling place of many British monarchs, a prison, a place of defense, and now a museum.  
 The Tower of London has also served as a royal mint. The tower has always been a symbol of control over the city. It has been attacked several times. At the core of the site, we find the White Tower, which contains a chapel and several other rooms.
 There are many other buildings inside the tower. Many of these buildings serve now as museums.
 There are several layers of walls that surround the tower. These walls protected the tower from attacks. The tower is right next to the river Thames and has an amazing view of Tower Bridge (NOT London Bridge).
 Inside the tower we can find several different artifacts that have been used by the British army over history. There are several different armors and different artifacts.
 The tower is very safely guarded. These guards stand under the heat and the cold. They have different ceremonies throughout the day, when they change their rotations. But do not be fooled, these are not the people in charge of protecting the tower. There are many guards from the modern British army hiding inside every building, ready to defend them.
 This building is especially important. It contains the museum of the Crown Jewels. These jewels include many artifacts that belong to the Royal Family. From crowns and capes, to baptismal fonts used to baptize babies born into the family. These Jewels are the main treasure of this site and tell the story of the royal family by exploring the jewels themselves.
 No pictures are allowed inside the museum of the Crown Jewels. This is as close as you can get with your camera.
This man is another type of guard. He is an actual guard, and this is his actual uniform. Nonetheless, as I pointed before, there are additional army units all over the place.

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