Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cologne Cathedral

Located in Cologne, Germany, the Cathedral of Köln is a masterpiece of Gothic Art, Germany's most visited landmark and was at one point the talles building in the world.  
 Construction started in 1248, but it did not finish until 1880, 632 years later. In fact, the completion of the cathedral called for a nation-wide celebration.
 The cathedral contains many works of art and other treasures. The most famous one is probably the Shrine of the Three Kings.
 The Shrine is said to contain the original gifts from the Magi to Christ after His birth. The Shrine is very well protected and is the object of awe and wonder to pilgrims and tourists alike.
 The Cathedral survived both World Wars. It was especially at risk during the World War II due to an increase in aerial combat. It was an easily recognizable landmark that allowed the allies to direct their attacks. This is probably the reason why they decided to not attack it--so they could continue to use it as a guide. Nevertheless, it did take 14 hits, which damaged some of its structure. Yet, it remained a standing monument in a city that was reduced to dust. Nowadays, it continues to be constantly under repair due to pollution, corrosion, and other natural effects.
 The Cathedral offers the opportunity to climb the 509 steps up to its towers. It has an amazing view of the Rhine, Köln, and the valleys surrounding it.

 The inside of the Cathedral is abundant with art--varying from the architecture itself to glass-stained windows depicting different Biblical stories and lives of saints.

 The Cathedral was put in the "In Danger" list for a while because there were plans to build a new office building nearby that would block the view of the Cathedral. Nevertheless, new laws were approved to limit the height of the buildings around the Cathedral and ensuring it would retain its majestic presence.

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