Tuesday, February 18, 2014

City of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world. Over the course of history, Luxembourg has always been regarded as a stronghold and a key area in trade and economic growth. Even today, Luxembourg is located between France, Belgium, and Germany--still holding onto its traditions and its exchange culture. 
 The City of Luxembourg is located in the middle of the country and serves as a capital. In modern years, it has grown and become an example of development.
 Despite being a modernized capital, the City of Luxembourg holds at its core the Old City. The Old City was originally a stronghold of Western Europe.
 Because Luxembourg was located amidst many other, larger, and more powerful kingdoms it needed to establish a powerful defense against possible attacks. Thus, the Old City was surrounded by a huge wall. The wall, added to the geographic location, made Luxembourg strong and resistant against attacks.
 Even though many parts of the wall have been torn down, many sections still remain.
 The walls are incredibly high.

 What was most amazing to me, was the fact that you could go INSIDE the wall. In fact, these casemates inside the wall help the armies of Luxembourg when the time of war came.
 The casemates consist of a large collection of tunnels within the walls that allowed Luxembourg to defend the city and also attack incoming armies. Cannons are still found within the casemates. The casemates add up to 23 km of tunnels within the walls! Only a small section of the casemates is open to the public, but it's large enough to make you feel like you're getting lost inside the wall.
 The exit of the casemates.

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