Monday, February 17, 2014

Joya de Ceren Archaeological Site

Joya de Ceren is also known as the "Pompeii of the Americas."This ancient city found in El Salvador was completely covered in rock when a nearby volcano erupted.
 Because the eruption was so sudden, the site is very well conserved with many artifacts surviving the passage of time. The eruption happened around the year 600 AC.
 There are many small houses in the site. You can also see the different layers of soil on the walls of the site, which give you a good idea of how much time has passed since.
 Doors and walls are incredibly well conserved.
 Some ceremonial sites are also found on site.
 Some of these pictures are particularly impressive because you can see the sticks that held the walls together. The place has been conserved to that detail.

 We believe that people were able to escape the eruption because no bodies has been found up to date.
 The site is close to the coast of El Salvador, so there is warm weather year-round.
 The site also has a replica of what a bathroom was like. It was like a small sauna.

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