Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores

The mid North Atlantic, with its constant volcanic activity, has given rise to the Azores Islands. The Azores belong to Portugal and have played a major role in international interactions, exploration, and navigation throughout centuries. One of the islands, Terceira, has been especially regarded as a key point for control of the Atlantic. In fact, the USA still has a military base in the island. Because of the importance this island has played, the main city, Angra do Heroismo, has been declared of universal value to humanity. 
 Angra very much resembles other Portuguese towns in mainland Portugal. The main difference is that, while buildings in mainland Portugal are made of sedimentary rock, the buildings in the Azores are rick in igneous rock. It is interesting to see the black rock contrast with the colorful designs of the Portuguese.
The main square is also beautiful, especially at night. 
 One of the activities I enjoyed the most was hiking up to the nearby hill that also has an army base. It has a beautiful view of the city, as well as the surrounding ocean.
 The islands are full of life during the summer. Numerous festivals happen frequently, and people from all of the islands travel to be a part of them.
 Some traditions in the island include bull races, dances, and traveling from one island to another for the established festivals.

 A major landmark is the botanical garden. It has plants form all over the world and also a staircase that leads to a monument that also has an impressive view of the city.

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